
Connect with Your Intention

What is intention? We’re probably all familiar that intention means an act with purpose or aim. But intention can be much more! Intention by itself is not all that powerful or influential. Frequently, the problem is not a lack of intention but lack of awareness of your intention. When you are aware of your intention, when you connect to it mindfully, that is when intention has the strongest influence on your motivation, your frame of mind, and your demeanor.  

When Enthusiasm Ebbs: Reawakening Professional Passion

We’ve all had it happen. When your passion for a project, a job, a career putters out, it can be so disappointing. Depending on the situation, it can feel devastating. But just because your enthusiasm is ebbing for what you do or what you’re working on, doesn’t mean it has to remain that way! Here are some things to consider or try out before throwing in the towel all together:

Work Overload: 7 Ways to Feel Less Stressed at Work

The S-word. Stress. We all have it, we all are trying to get rid of it, we all see it as bad. Truth is, stress is very functional for us humans. Stress is one of our most basic responses and is also known as the fight-or-flight response. The stress that comes from perceived threats is less functional and often harmful. Unfortunately, the latter is the kind of the stress that is found more commonly in the modern workplace. It’s the kind of stress that makes you completely exhausted at the end of your day. It’s the kind of stress that keeps you from falling asleep at night despite aforementioned exhaustion. It’s the kind of stress that causes knots and tightness in your shoulders, neck, and back. Sounding familiar?